Through this talk, Ma clearly underlines the aim of spiritual pursuit which is unquestionably to transform and purify our min...
This series of talks by Swamini Ma Gurupriya was delivered in the city of Jamshedpur. These are unique discourses where Ma motivates the listeners to understand Spirituality comprehensively.
In this episode Ma Gurupriya shares with us the secret of how one can experience a state of blessedness and peace in their da...
In this talk, Ma reiterates that a sadhaka (the spiritual practitioner) must have unswerving faith in the words of the scrip...
In this talk, Ma outlines the practices that can help a Sadhaka remain blissful, fearless, stable minded and unaffected under...
Satsang is based on Kathopanishad and Mundakopanishad every Tuesday 8:00 pm IST at