One day, during the early morning darshan, a brahmachārin came and prostrated at his feet. Apparently, he was one of the most intelligent students learning Sanskrit from Maharaj Ji. The brahmachārin mentioned that he had been listening to the Ramayana Katha of the famous exponent, held in the Ashram premises.
Read MoreA Mahatma had a rich disciple who, in spite of repeated advice of the Guru, would make no effort to purify his heart and mind. But at the same time, the disciple used to pester the Guru for bestowing on him Brahma- jnāna (knowledge of Truth – Brahman).
Read MoreThrough the Teacher’s responses to various situations, we get a touch of his vision – his love and his dispassion. In receiving his comments and accepting the corrections, our ego gets sublimated. In working with the co-disciples and accommodating others lovingly as the Guru does, our minds expand.
Read MoreThe real purpose of all religious as well as spiritual practices is to purify and transform our own mind.
Read MoreIt is only to inculcate purity that all the religious and spiritual practices and disciplines have been evolved. Through all these practices, once purity is attained, meditational absorption will become easy and spontaneous.
Read MoreWhatever you do, wherever you are, you can pursue constant introspectional sadhana of refinement and purification. In fact it should be so.
Read MoreFulfillment will be had when the mind is properly treated to become pure and the hindrances to fulfillment are removed. And, when the mind is properly developed to have fulfillment, will it need any of these external objects, situations or possessions?
Read MoreSuppose you have a little depression or disinterestedness today – what of that? Let it remain. Be at home even with that. Know that as it has come in so also will it pass off. If you keep this elevated attitude, soon you will find that the depressive moods will become less frequent.
Read MoreThe existence of the Atma is always absolute. Its manner of expression includes that which you call ‘the world’. This is the truth. But this truth will remain a mystery until the seeker’s mind becomes crystal clear, desire-free and stable under all conditions. The least trace of impurity any time will impair his vision
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