Mortality is something we are faced with more and more as the pandemic continues its brutal assault. Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha handles this delicate subject with compassion, using shlokas from Kathopanishad – most aptly a dialogue between 7 year-old Nachiketas with the Lord of Death - while shedding new light on chapter 10 of Bhagavad Gita. This is a Satsang that provides not only comfort, but more importantly strength and empowerment.
All of creation is nothing but an appearance in Consciousness. Everything in Nature moves out of fear of Brahman, who is none other than our real, immortal Self. Even the most painful circumstances in life, and the most virulent virus, are manifestations of this Self. What then, is there to be afraid of?
Even death is not to be feared but embraced, says Swamiji, as it too is only doing its duty. Blessed are we to be able to move forward on this journey with courage and confidence, lovingly guided by our benevolent Wise Ones.
Swamiji will be discussing 'Voice of Upanishads'. The Global Satsang will be based on Kathopanishad and Mundakopanishad. | Live Satsangs with Spiritual Masters on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday at 8 pm IST/10:30 am EDT/ 10:30 pm MST.
#globalsatsang #nutanswamiji #enlightenedliving
Verses discussed:
Kathopanishad 1.1.6, 2.3.2, 2.3.3, 2.1.3, 2.1.4
Svetashvataropanishad 1.3
Kenopanishad 2.5
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Bhagavadgeeta – A Revolutionary Message - Episode 2
Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha