

Song of the Soul - Verse by Verse

01 Janmaaneka Shatai Sadaadarayuja

Ma Gurupriya & Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

  • 01 Janmaaneka Shatai Sadaadarayuja

    Ma Gurupriya & Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

जन्मानेकशतै: सदादरयुजा भक्त्या समाराधितो
भक्तैर्वैदिकलक्षणेन विधिना सन्तुष्ट ईश: स्वयम् ।
साक्षाच्छ्रीगुरुरूपमेत्य कृपया दृग्गोचर: सन् प्रभु:
तत्वं साधु विबोध्य तारयति तान् संसार-दुःखार्णवात् ॥

janmānekaśatai: sadādarayujā bhaktyā samārādhito
bhaktairvaidikalakṣaṇena vidhinā santuṣṭa īśa: svayam ।
sākṣācchrīgururūpametya kṛpayā dṛggocara: san prabhu:
tatvaṃ sādhu vibodhya tārayati tān saṃsāra-duḥkhārṇavāt ॥


When the Lord is pleased with the devotional worship done in many hundreds of lives, with great respect according to Vedic prescriptions, He mercifully appears before the devotees in the form of Sri Guru, and instructing them well revealing the supreme Truth, takes them across the miserable worldly ocean.

Song of the Soul - Verse by Verse

01 Janmaaneka Shatai Sadaadarayuja

Ma Gurupriya & Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

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