

Essential Shlokas For Memorization (Bhagavad Gita)

Verse 12.19

Ma Gurupriya

  • Verse 12.19

    Ma Gurupriya

तुल्यनिन्दास्तुतिर्मौनी सन्तुष्टो येन केनचित् ।
अनिकेत: स्थिरमतिर्भक्तिमान्मे प्रियो नर: ॥

tulya-nindāstutir-maunī santuṣṭo yena kenacit
aniketa: sthira-matir-bhaktimān-me priyo nara: – 19

A devotee who has evenness towards enemy and friend, honour and dishonour, happiness and unhappiness which are like cold and heat, who remains free of wrong identification (clinging), and is even-minded towards blame and praise, who is given to spiritual silence and indifference, contented with whatever comes or goes, has no special possessiveness about any place, and of stable mind, is dear to Me (the Supreme).

Essential Shlokas For Memorization (Bhagavad Gita)

Verse 12.19

Ma Gurupriya

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