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    VIDEOS (4)

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    • Zenith of Devotion - Day 2

      Ma Gurupriya

    • The Path of Knowledge-austerity

      Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

    Articles (2)

    Ma Gurupriya

    Real Prasāda

    Throughout the day, during satsangs, Maharaj Ji, through his words, interactions and bhāva, was distributing as ‘prasāda’ manifest lessons of love, humility, renunciation and equal-vision. It was for us seekers to pick up these treasures and enrich ourselves.

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    They need a childhood

    They were fighting with each other for a vantage area near the compound wall to warm up themselves in the sunlight. Their clothes were anything to write about except for the folded torn saris wrapped around their tiny thin bodies, tied at the neck and made into a hood.

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