In his own inimitable and analytical style, Swamiji analyses each verse and connects it to how it can be applied in our inter...
This series of talks was delivered by Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha ji in Jamshedpur. In his own inimitable and analytical style, Swamiji analyses each verse and connects it to how it can be applied in...
Swamiji drives home the fact that the sages of yore focussed on the internal spiritual journey seeking the answer for the ete...
In this talk, Swamiji discusses the subtle concepts presented by Sri Krishna in the first few verses of the 13th chapter—Kshe...
In this talk, Swamiji takes up the first verse of a set of shlokas very crucial for a spiritual seeker. These are the set of...
In this absorbing talk, Swamiji continues to analyze and discuss the qualities enumerated by Sri Krishna in the 13th chapter ...