How do we make this Supreme Teaching applicable to daily life, is the question for this Satsang. Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha clarifies, in no uncertain terms, that this Knowledge handed to us through our spiritual lineage, is nothing but applicable. These are not theoretical concepts to be studied and kept away. From his own experiential wisdom, Swamiji shows us how this Knowledge is to be lived and experienced.
Our fundamental problem is ignorance of our real identity, the Self. We are already THAT, but don’t realize it because of our impurities such as egotism, preferences and prejudices. The only way to remove these impurities is through Knowledge. When we give this Supreme Knowledge the supreme position, acquire the qualities of a true seeker, and start living with sharp vicara (introspection), our entire view of the world changes. We see that the evanescent objective world is nothing but a play of the gunas (modes of Nature), and the Source of all is our unaffected, witnessing Self.
Once we understand this Truth, we begin to flow freely with the river of Providence, naturally doing whatever comes to be done with complete ease and placidity. And no better paragons are there for this sahaja state of being, than our very own benevolent Spiritual Masters.
Swamiji will be discussing 'Voice of Upanishads'. The Global Satsang will be based on Kathopanishad and Mundakopanishad. | Live Satsangs with Spiritual Masters on Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday at 8 pm IST/10:30 am EDT/ 10:30 pm MST.
Verses discussed:
Bhagavad Gita 4.37, 4.38, 4.39, 2.59, 17.3, 14.19, 3.42, 3.43, 3.40, 3.27
Tattvabodha 1.3
#globalsatsang #nutanswamiji #enlightenedliving
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Bhagavadgeeta – A Revolutionary Message - Episode 2
Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha