This is the inaugural talk by Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha ji at the Online “Global Bhagavad Gita Convention 2022” held from 19th to 21st of February. He speaks on how Mental Harmony is indispensable for the individual, the family, the society, the Nation and also for the Globe.
Bhagavad Gita is a dialogue between the enlightened intelligence of Krishna and the deluded mind of Arjuna. The delusion of man is eternally the same and hence the Gita is applicable and relevant for modern man as much as it was for Arjuna. Swamiji, discusses Samatva (equanimity) saying that one must take away the preference for Happiness and Prejudice to Unhappiness. This will make the mind harmonious, flexible and stable.
Swamiji exhorts the youth to be aware of their inner potential and live in a glorious manner. The message of Bhagavad Gita is to enlighten the intelligence and bestow wisdom, which results in mental harmony.
The secret of harmony is with the mind, reminds Swamiji. Avoid undue elation or depression and be flexible and assimilative.
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Narayanashrama Tapovanam, an Ashram located in Thrissur, Kerala, embodies the unique tradition of Guru-shishya Parampara, disseminating Brahmavidya (Science of Self-knowledge) through regular classes, satsangs, and above all, through learning in the association of a realized spiritual master.