

Song of the Soul - Verse by Verse

18 Om Yas-Chandasaam-Rshabho

Ma Gurupriya & Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

  • 18 Om Yas-Chandasaam-Rshabho

    Ma Gurupriya & Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

ओं यश्छन्दसामृषभो विश्वरूपः । छन्दोभ्योऽध्यमृतात् सम्बभूव ।
स मेन्द्रो मेधया स्पृणोतु । अमृतस्य देवधारणो भूयासम् ।
शरीरं मे विचर्षणम् । जिह्वा मे मधुमत्तमा । कर्णाभ्यां भूरि विश्रुवम् ।
ब्रह्मणः कोशोऽसि मेधया पिहितः । श्रुतं मे गोपाय ॥
ओं शान्तिः शान्तिः शान्तिः ॥

oṃ yaśchandasāmṛṣabho viśvarūpaḥ । chandobhyo’dhyamṛtāt sambabhūva।
sa mendroe medhayā spṛṇotu । amṛtasya devadhāraṇo bhūyāsam ।
śarīraṃ me vicarṣaṇam । jihvā me madhumattamā । karṇābhyāṃ bhūri viśruvam ।
brahmaṇaḥ kośo’si medhayā pihitaḥ । śrutaṃ me gopāya ॥
oṃ śānti: śānti: śānti: ॥

The premier sound of the Vedas is Om whose manifest form is this Universe. It emerged from the Immortality itself that transcends the Vedas. May that brilliant praṇava (Om) give me intelligence so that I may become the bearer of wisdom that bestows Immortality. May my body be fit for the purpose and my tongue speak sweetly. With both my ears let me amply hear the spiritual truths. O praṇava, you are the cell of the supreme Spirit hidden within the intelligence. Protect my learning. Oṃ śānti: śānti: śānti:

Song of the Soul - Verse by Verse

18 Om Yas-Chandasaam-Rshabho

Ma Gurupriya & Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

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