

Essential Shlokas For Memorization (Bhagavad Gita)

Verse 4.39

Ma Gurupriya

  • Verse 4.39

    Ma Gurupriya

श्रद्धावाँल्लभते ज्ञानं तत्पर: संयतेन्द्रिय: ।
ज्ञानं लब्ध्वा परां शान्तिमचिरेणाधिगच्छति  ॥

śraddhāvāl-labhate jñānaṃ tat-para: saṃyatendriya:
jñānaṃ labdhvā parāṃ śāntim-acireṇādhigacchati – 4.39  

One imbued with interest in Brahman, with senses under control and assiduously attentive, begets knowledge. After gaining knowledge, he attains supreme peace before long.

Essential Shlokas For Memorization (Bhagavad Gita)

Verse 4.39

Ma Gurupriya

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