Swamiji describes the circumstances which led to the Kurukshetra war, Arjuna's mental crisis and how Krishna begins his warfi...
This talk series was delivered by Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha during the Gurupoornima Retreat at Narayanashrama Tapovanam, Kerala.
Swamiji discusses how Sri Krishna removed all the apprehensions of Arjuna and instilled a new process of reflection in him.
In this talk, Swamiji discusses the word ‘Yoga’ in detail, removing many of our preconceived notions.
In this talk, Swamiji reiterates that Saankya yoga is a deep and wholesome study. In this study, one has to employ the mind a...
Swamiji gives us a beautiful, concise summary of what can be the spiritual pursuit of our life.
Calling Bhagavad Gita an interactional gospel, Swamiji discusses interactional sadhana in this talk.
In this concluding talk, Swamiji explains how wholesome devotion leads one to higher and loftier dimensions.