

Inner Embrace Verse by Verse

01 yam shaivaa-samupaasate

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

  • 01 yam shaivaa-samupaasate

    Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

यं शैवास्समुपासते शिव इति ब्रह्मेति वेदान्तिनो
बौद्धा बुद्ध इति प्रमाणपटवः कर्तेति नैयायिकाः ।
अर्हन्नित्यथ जैनशासनरताः कर्मेति मीमांसकाः
सोऽयं वो विदधातु वाञ्छितफलं त्रैलोक्यनाथो हरिः ॥
श्री विष्णु स्तुतिः

yaṃ śaivāssamupāsate śiva iti brahmeti vedāntino
bauddhā buddha iti pramāṇapaṭavaḥ karteti naiyāyikāḥ |
arhannityatha jainaśāsanaratāḥ karmeti mīmāṃsakāḥ
so’yaṃ vo vidadhātu vāñchitaphalaṃ trailokyanātho hariḥ ||
Sri Vishnu Stutiḥ

May He, whom the Śaivites worship as Śiva, the Vedāntins as Brahman, the Buddhists as Buddha, the followers of the Nyāya system of thought (experts in logic) as the Agent, those given to the Jaina doctrines of religion and philosophy as Arhat, the votaries of ritualism as Karma, may the Lord Hari, the protector of the three worlds, grant us fruition of all that we desire and need.

Inner Embrace Verse by Verse

01 yam shaivaa-samupaasate

Swami Bhoomananda Tirtha

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