
Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

12 – Yoga of Enlightened Action | Bhagavad Gita Chapter 3 | Swami Nirviseshananda Tirtha

9 Views | 2 years ago

In this talk, Swami Nirviseshananda ji spells out the true path of spiritual sadhana.

Swamiji underlines the fact that the focus of our spiritual pursuit is not the external situation but the inner mind. Any improper behaviour or action has its cause in the form of a thought. So, any transformation in behaviour or personality requires one to reach the cause at the deepest level.

Swamiji emphasizes that the thoughts are not in our control. They essentially arise from a deep mindset. A selfish mindset will generate selfish thoughts. And a noble mindset will radiate noble thoughts. Therefore, the way to change the mindset, Swamiji says, is to change the content of the mind by anchoring the mind in the All- pervading Atma, which resides in one's own heart.

Continuing the discussion further, Swamiji explains how to get anchored in the Atma. By constantly interacting with the Atmic or Soul properties, transforming our mindset at the deepest level and striving to get rid of desires, one can be established in the Atma.

Nutan Swamiji highlights the importance of cultivating an attitude of Samarpana (Surrender), Samatva (even mindedness) and Yajna (selfless action). The practice of these qualities will lead to elimination of desires, sublimation of ego and purification of the mind and intelligence.

Shlokas Discussed: 40 to 43

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